

Hieronder staan de verschillende diensten die ik aanbied.


in 1981  opleiding ziekenverzorgster,

 applicatie cursus VIG, methodische praktijk begeleiding, MBO en HBO management.

Bijscholingen oa. palliatieve zorg, beademingszorg.

Elke 2 jaar update verpleegkundige handelingen.


Tekst hier.


Tekst hier.


“This is a paragraph that you can use to type in a quote from one of your previous or current customers. In this way you can prove your qualifications to your visitors”

Name of reviewer

“This is a paragraph that you can use to type in a quote from one of your previous or current customers. In this way you can prove your qualifications to your visitors”

Name of reviewer

“This is a paragraph that you can use to type in a quote from one of your previous or current customers. In this way you can prove your qualifications to your visitors”

Name of reviewer